About Us

We excel in the art of live event filming, whether it’s a corporate conference, a music festival, an
exhibition, or any other gathering. We understand the importance of preserving these moments
for posterity and have the technical prowess to do it with finesse.

Our Expertise

Our team of skilled videographers, editors, and producers use state-of-the-art equipment to
ensure every frame is captured in stunning clarity. We’re committed to delivering polished,
professional, and visually captivating content that tells your event’s story.
Beyond the technical aspects, we believe in the power of storytelling. Our team crafts
compelling narratives that engage and resonate with your target audience, turning your event
into a memorable and shareable experience.

Based in Essex, we’ve had the privilege of working on events around the globe. No matter
where your event is located, we have the expertise to handle the logistics and deliver
outstanding results.

We understand that every event is unique. We work closely with our clients to understand their
vision and objectives, ensuring that our filming aligns seamlessly with their goals.
Whether you’re hosting a conference that needs to reach a global audience, a music festival
that demands the excitement of the crowd or any other live event, Northfield Media is your
trusted partner in bringing those moments to life on screen.


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Northfield Media has a strong focus on sustainability, we have embraced innovative practices,
cutting-edge technologies, and a forward-thinking mindset to redefine the way we operate.
At Northfield Media, we understand the importance of minimising our environmental footprint
and are committed to a continuous improvement in our sustainability efforts. We regularly
assess our practices, set new goals, and innovate to further reduce our environmental impact.